Our nursing home staff is dedicated to meeting the needs of each person with compassion, dignity, and respect. At Pleasant Ridge Manor, our health care team understands that every person has their own unique needs and goals.
LeeAnn Krahe, B.S., CTRS, is the Director of Activities and Volunteer Services. Acknowledging that recreation is an important part of everyone’s quality of life, LeeAnn works with her staff to provide a variety of activities, special events, and individual opportunities to pursue leisure preferences. Manager of the Beauty Shop and Religious Services, she is here to answer your questions about those departments should you have them.
LeeAnn also works with the Pleasant Ridge Manor Friends Forever, our volunteer organization, in coordinating their services and fundraising efforts. If you are interested in volunteering in any way, a little or a lot, please call LeeAnn. She would be happy to talk to you about how you might participate in this very worthy organization!